Fix job is to remove the hassles associated with an accident. Our simplified claims process with your insurer, our quality commitment and the Fix Auto guarantee all combine to ensure your peace of mind. Anywhere you see our sign, you’ll find the impeccable standard of quality that has made our name. Just ask your insurance company.
Fix  is revolutionizing the collision repair industry. First, Fix  has an extensive network of carefully selected collision body and auto paint shops that are at hand, and at your service, after an accident involving automobile body damage. Whatever needs to be done to get you back on the road - frame reconstruction, car paint or collision and body repair - every one of our collision repair facilities offers the brand of reliable auto repair service that has made our name synonymous with excellence. Further, our collision service rates are very competitive. And finally, all Fix automobile body shops offer consistent, professional auto repair service that includes standardized estimates, the very latest auto repair shop equipment, and courteous personnel. From bumper to bumper, you are surrounded - and supported by - Fix  collision and repair service specialists.

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mardi 12 mai 2015


Fix job is to remove the hassles associated with an accident. Our simplified claims process with your insurer, our quality commitment and the Fix Auto guarantee all combine to ensure your peace of mind. Anywhere you see our sign, you’ll find the impeccable standard of quality that has made our name. Just ask your insurance company.
Fix  is revolutionizing the collision repair industry. First, Fix  has an extensive network of carefully selected collision body and auto paint shops that are at hand, and at your service, after an accident involving automobile body damage. Whatever needs to be done to get you back on the road - frame reconstruction, car paint or collision and body repair - every one of our collision repair facilities offers the brand of reliable auto repair service that has made our name synonymous with excellence. Further, our collision service rates are very competitive. And finally, all Fix automobile body shops offer consistent, professional auto repair service that includes standardized estimates, the very latest auto repair shop equipment, and courteous personnel. From bumper to bumper, you are surrounded - and supported by - Fix  collision and repair service specialists.

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